Upon reading Tina's post at The English Muse, it got us thinking about why we started the Frou Frou Fashionista.
We started this blog a few years ago as a place to announce bits of news from Faire Frou Frou as well of images of things (any things) that inspired us. We would post sporadically, at times forgetting we had a blog at all, perhaps believing that we were not so much 'bloggers' as we were boutique owners that had news to share. After all, there were fabulous real lingerie blogs out there like Knickers or Petite Coquette (the pioneers of the lingerie blog that are still on top of their game) that shared the news of the lingerie world quite effectively. We never thought we would come close to the audience they had, and that was that.
It wasn't until one year ago that we officially decided to kick this site into high gear. We noticed that the concept of blogging was becoming a business for so many people, and realized that if we wanted to stay relevant we would have to step up our efforts. The good thing is that our efforts weren't much work because we naturally enjoy what we do. We really love finding beautiful lingerie editorials online, we love the amazing catalog images we receive from lingerie designers, we love visiting other sites that post inspiring photography, we think that if you like what's on our blog you will like what's in our boutique, and mainly we love sharing the images that inspire us so much. The blog is quite simply an outlet for the pretty things we wish to share! Now we do feel like official bloggers...or more like a bloggess.
We purposely placed a few restraints on our blog. One of them was that we did not want to show nudity out of respect for our customer base that reads this site (though we're sure a lot of you wouldn't mind!). Another was that we try and feature labels that are affiliated with Faire Frou Frou, therefore you don't see many posts about other stores or brands we don't carry such as Agent Provocateur, Kiki di Montparnasse, etc. (even though we shop with them and love their goodies!). And lastly, we cannot share all of our secrets (i.e. brands we have our eye on) because we realize that there are many other lingerie boutique owners who read this site...a girl needs to keep some sense of mystery! Nonetheless, these self-imposed restraints really do not place any material limitations on what we post, but they do affect our decision process from time to time.
These days blogging is becoming more competitive, which is something we do and do not like. It's great to see everyone showing their best efforts, but we're noticing it become too regimented and numbers-driven. We refuse to succumb to that route because it negates the entire purpose of why we started this site. If we have something inspiring to share, we will share it. If we don't like a brand, we don't talk about it. If it's been 3-days since we've posted, then we have nothing exciting to share on those days (no posts for the sake of posting). Ultimately all of this leads to blogger burn-out, which we wish to avoid. Don't get us wrong, we love that our site is growing, but we don't believe in guerrilla blogging! (Btw there's nothing wrong with being proud of your blog numbers, because we're proud of ours!).
We're sure that many of you, as bloggers, understand exactly what we're talking about. We're also certain that most bloggers start their blog for one simple reason: to share. That's what we enjoy and wish to continue doing!
Lucikily for us, the lingerie world is growing rapidly, so there's an abundance of inspiration to choose from. We truly do wish to make your experience on our site a positive one, and hope you feel the enthusiasm we feel with each post.
We love our boutique, we love our blog, we love the friendships we've made as a result of both. Thank you for going on this journey with us!
(phew, after such a long post, we feel blogger post burnout!! Thanks for listening to our ramblings!)
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