This lace top (on Crystal Renn) looks just like a Vannina Vesperini piece that we bought about 5 years ago at her Paris shop! It has to be the same one!
images via here
We were at the bookstore the other night and noticed Crystal Renn's new book entitled Hungry. We've posted on Crystal before, and thought we'd dig up a few more lingerie images of her to share with you. Along the way we discovered a few lovely pictures of fellow "plus-size" model Whitney Thompson, whose claim to fame is having won cycle 10 of America's Next Top Model. We love that top image of her, with just a bit of trim from her bra peeking out of her top!
It seems that every now and then a top fashion magazine will celebrate the plus-size form, and just recently we heard that Glamour magazine is going to regularly feature these lovely curves! It is refreshing to see a beautiful photograph of a model wearing lingerie and not feel bad about your own figure.
It seems that every now and then a top fashion magazine will celebrate the plus-size form, and just recently we heard that Glamour magazine is going to regularly feature these lovely curves! It is refreshing to see a beautiful photograph of a model wearing lingerie and not feel bad about your own figure.
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