We wanted to pass this award along to 10 of our favorite "lovely" blogs:
- This is Glamorous - if you enjoy glamour, whether in fashion, design or food, this blog is for you!
- The English Muse - so good on so many levels. visiting the site feels like visiting a dear old friend.
- Beautiful Things to Share - a lovely and beautiful blog written by a lovely gal.
- French Blue - a celebration of whimsy, design and sweet images from Paris...plus she has a darling online store.
- Sugar Pop Tarts - it's kind of like a more risque version of Frou Frou Fashionista!
- Blonde and Red - retro loveliness and a celebration of bombshell pin-ups.
- Elements of Style - kind of like an online version of Domino magazine!
- Knickers - we were reading this blog before we knew what a blog was! Danae is a true internet pioneer.
- La Dolce Vita - such beautiful design inspiration; each post is a must-see.
- La Jeune Marie - visually enticing eye candy.