It's hard to believe that we are now at our 200th post! When we started the Frou Frou Fashionista back in 2006 we barely knew what a blog was, but we knew it would be a fun outlet where we could share lingerie news. It did take a while for us to warm up to the idea of writing for the blog on a consistent basis because we weren't sure if anyone would read it, but now we're practically writing 1 entry per day (or at least we aspire to)!
Now we see opportunities to write about lingerie all of the time...whether it's about lingerie in fashion/editorial, new arrivals at Faire Frou Frou, a write-up on a brand we're pleased with, or pretty much anything that hints at intimate apparel. We want to show how lingerie can be portrayed in a classy, sophisticated way...we want to share how lingerie can be about fashion, style, fun and sexiness, not just sex (even though it's about that too...but we just don't need to write about it). We want to share how wearing beautiful lingerie is yet another way to accessorize an amazing ensemble.
We truly aspire to make this luxury lingerie blog relevant, and we love what we do so it's a pleasure for us to share our enthusiasm.
We want to thank our readers for their support, and we love the positive feedback we've received! A special thank you goes out to those of you who take the time to leave comments.
We hope you've had as much fun reading this blog as we have writing/researching for it!