Did you see the season premiere of Desperate Housewives last night? If so, you saw one of the costumes provided by Faire Frou Frou! We dressed our customer Nicolette Sheridan (and costumer Cate Adair!) for her role as Edie Britt...the wardrobe department requested an innocent, yet flirty set for her to wear to seduce Carlos. So, she ended up wearing the
SPANK (Sexy Panties and Naughty Knickers) Flirt Nightgown, Shorts and Padded Bra in Ivory. We also paired the outfit with a pair of
Jacques Levine marabou slippers!
You can purchase any of these items on www.fairefroufrou.com or in our boutique!
We will keep you posted with our next Desperate Housewives ensemble!