Though this isn't a lingerie blog, ABT is a "daily inspiration journal" for interior design. On several occasions blog writer Anna had mentioned the antique/furniture store Bountiful, which is where we purchased most of our antiques at Faire Frou Frou. We wrote to Anna because we wanted to show how antiques & interior design worked its way into a lingerie store. Most of the furniture in our store such as the counter, tables, armoire, mirrors and storage cabinet were purchased at Bountiful, which is a Venice, CA paradise that was created by Sue Balmforth nearly 20 years ago. It really is the combination of the beautiful antiques and designer lingerie that make Faire Frou Frou a special destination. The rest of our furnishings were either custom-made or purchased during our travels to Europe.
ABT blog writer Anna owns an interior design boutique in Australia called Black & Spiro. She is a young woman who runs a successful business and her ABT blog is one of the TOP 10k blogs on the internet (out of 107 million blogs being tracked)! Make Absolutely Beautiful Things one of your favorites!
Just an FYI, almost all antiques on display at Faire Frou Frou are available for purchase...so feel free to contact us if you're interested! (info@fairefroufrou.com or tel: 818-783-4970).