A significant portion of our population suffers from some form of eyesight defect. The most widely known are nearsightedness, farsightedness or hyperopic, and presbyopia (also referred to as old age sight).
When you visit your ophthalmologist with one of these defects, you are probably to be prearranged one of the next treatments: contacts lenses, reading glasses or corrective surgery. But there is an different way to improve eyesight physically, although the world of medicine has turned its back on it. This technique includes easy vision exercises that are to be carried out daily, which in time correct vision troubles like the ones mentioned above. In this article we will be discussing how to improve eyesight naturally through effectively providing your eyes exercise.
Before we look at how you can get better your eyesight physically, lets us review some of the conservative treatments and how helpful they are at improving eyesight. We will start with reading glasses.
Reading glasses correct vision by helping the eye focus light rays appropriately. Eyeglasses do this by focusing the light rays on the retina (the area at the back of the eyeball), this assures a clear image is formed, if light rays do not focus on the retina the result is a blurred image. The type of reading glasses you will be prescribed depends on your eye problem.
Reading glasses are very good at treating the causes of eye problems (blurred vision), but they do not cure cause, and as a result your vision will not grow stronger, and you will likely need to buy stronger glasses every couple of years. Not everyone likes to wear reading glasses if they are not comfortable and lightweight, some prefer to wear contact lenses; which brings us to another standard method for poor vision treatment.
Contact lenses are thin see-through discs that sit on the cornea. They work in the same way reading glasses do, however they have the advantage of being so small that they fit on the cornea. There is a special type of contact lens called a corneal reshaping lens, it is special because rather than just dealing with the symptoms of poor vision like glasses and other contact lenses, it actually works on the cause. Corneal reshaping lenses as the name suggests actually reshape the cornea, so you can see without contact lenses, however this effect is only temporary.
Although Lasik procedure is a very popular option, it is cost prohibitive to many people, especially in today’s difficult economic environment. A Lasik does not always provide a perfect outcome either. After Lasik usually you still require eyewear frame for most types of reading.
A brief history of the technique to improve vision physically through vision exercises is outlined below:
The Bates Method - Many people claim to have improved their vision significantly using this natural technique based on vision exercises. It was developed by Dr/ William Bates (1860-1931), he was a practitioner of eyesight improvement. He was a graduate of Cornell University and of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York.
Through constant experimentation on his patients, Bates developed the Bates method, which addresses the cause of bad eyesight and how to overcome it without glasses, contacts, or Lasik procedure. He developed some simple exercises and principles in the 1920’s. All though his techniques were largely discounted by the world of medicine the Bates technique is still practiced to this day throughout the world. If you were trying to get better eyesight physically it would be a good idea to look into vision exercises as a way to naturally improve your eyesight.
Many people ask how immediately the effects of providing your eyes exercise "kick in". Here are some aspects that determine the time ordinarily taken to restore eyesight. At first, what condition do you have and how old are you? If you are over 40 and you have Macular Degeneration, then you are different from someone who is in there twenties, and with a rare Myopia. Although it is very difficult to find any sort of published statistics on this, generally speaking, the more severe the fundamental eye trouble, the longer the eye rehabilitation period and while Hyperopia (Longsightedness) & Myopia (Shortsightedness) are most frequent ones, there are numerous other circumstances out there, such as Presbyopia, Astigmatism, Amblyopia (aka Lazy Eye), Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD), Strabismus, etc. Eye exercises help cure all of these circumstances, but the time it takes to full eyesight restoration may be different for each one.
Especially in today’s economic climate, before you make a major investment in Lasik, or even reading glasses or contacts, learn more about the cheaper, more affordable benefits of see eye exercises on the video.